Thursday, June 25, 2009

Jonas and the Giant Peach

"Wouldn't it be nice to live in a peach?" said Jonas. And we haven't even read the classic James and the Giant Peach yet to have inspired such a fantasy.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Oh boy, I'm in for it

"Why does God get to be God? When is it going to be my turn?"

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I've rediscovered Your Story Hour CDs with my kids. I listened to some of these very same stories on the radio or LP back in the day. So this nostalgic mother gets a chance to relive some fond memories and make new ones with my littles.

Anyway, we listened to humorous tale of Thomas Edison's childhood the other day. Three cheers for his mama and knowing her son well enough to support him and his education at home when the teachers labeled him a dunce. But that's another story.

What I wanted to share today was a funny from my oldest. Lil Tom, annoyed with his sister's nosy friend, marked his stuff POISON to keep her away from his experiments. No poison there, but the warning worked. Our family enjoyed a chuckle over the incident, as well as Tom burning down his father's barn and later being asked to tutor the teacher who thought him dumb. And that was that.

Until the next morning I opened my refridgerator to see POSN written on my husband's Dr. Pepper. Owen had a lot of fun with a Sharpie and marked several "offending" items, including last night's leftovers.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

How did he get so wise?

"What does God eat?" Owen asked from the back seat of Homer, my affection name for our Honda Odyssey. You know how I love conversations in the car.

"Um, that's a good question." My standard stall to give me a second to think of an appropriate response. "I don't know that God needs to eat, but perhaps he eats because he enjoys all the flavors he made."

"What is God's favorite food."

"Um, that's a good question." I repeat. "You'll have to ask God that when you get to heaven."

From the back came the barely heard murmuring, "The best questions are the ones you can't answer."

Thursday, January 15, 2009


A couple of days ago, Owen counted to 100. That's a big deal for him because Jack had long ago promised that when he could do that he would let him in on a secret. The secret of the biggest number ever. Something Owen has been pondering and wanting to know forever. His word.

Infinity. The biggest number. The biggest everything. Infinity.

So, this morning as we're driving, (Have I mentioned how much I enjoy the conversations that ensue on the road? The best questions come up then. Observations too.) Owen says, "God is infinity tall."

Just when I wonder where his brain is when he flings his jump rope around the living room, clocks his brother in the head and seems surprised it would do that. Then he comes up with this.

"God is bigger than anything. So he is infinity big. He is infinity tall."